Frequently Asked Questions

  • Easy; please email, listing your company name, your website, and a simple six words or less description, and we’ll get your site added within 48 hours.

  • Our apologies; please email, listing the changes, either your company name, your website, or simply six words or less description, and we’ll get your site corrected within 48 hours.

  • Simple, so many of our Business Partners offer services and solutions 86 is the number our advisors agreed upon.

  • No, we will not share or sell log-on information.

  • No, the calendar is a free benefit for being a part of the Online RCR|HUB Community

  • Great! There are ten banner ads available. Please send your inquiry to

  • Fantastic! Please send an email to Please send us your idea, presenters, and premise. Our team will review it and get back to you within seven days.

  • The site is not about its creators but building a solid Revenue Cycle Community. It is powered by the team at JER Marketing.- here is the website:

  • If you have something that you would like to sell to our community, such as promotional items, templates, sales kits, etc., please send your information to